Thursday, October 21, 2010

d.i.y. green glass cleaner

Thanks to Terri Trespicio, Jennifer Sendrow and the other folks at Martha Stewart Radio for inviting me this morning to talk about green money-saving tips!

In response to one listener's call-in question, here is a fume-free, effective cleaner for your glass shower doors, mirrors, glass table tops, windows, whatever, from my book, Do One Green Thing.

Glass Cleaner
1/2 cup white vinegar
1 cup water
3-4 drops liquid plant-based soap

Mix in a spray bottle, spray and wipe off with newspaper!

For more tips and to ask me questions, come to

1 comment:

Britt Brannan said...

The product is really useful for glass tables, windows and shower doors. I have stunned to watch the results.